+ Pyruvic Acid (C3H4O3) + CoA-SH |
+ + Acetyl CoA + Carbon Dioxide (CO2) + 2 H+ + 2 e– |
and then those 2 electrons and one hydrogen ion combine with a NAD+ molecule to form NADH, leaving behind a hydrogen ion (H+), so |
→ 2 H+ + 2 e– + NAD+ → NADH + H+ |
Again, keep in mind that this is for “only” one pyruvate, so for the whole glucose molecule, these numbers would be doubled. |
So, overall, we now have: C6H12O6 + 4 NAD+ + 2 AMP-PO3H2 + 2 HO-PO4H2 + 2 CoA-SH → 2 CoA-S-C2H3O + 2 CO2 + 4 NADH + 4 H+ + 2 AMP-PO3H-PO3H2 + 2 H2O (minus 2 AMP-PO3H-PO3H2 used to transport NADH into the mitochondria of eukaryotes
Thus, overall, what goes into the Krebs cycle per acetyl group (so totals would be doubled if considered per glucose) is: (Several molecules that enter the cycle in one step, react, then in the next step turn back into the same thing and leave again are not included in these net totals.) |
acetyl CoA (CoA-S-CH3CO) + 3 NAD+ + FAD + 2 H2O + ADP-OH + HO-PO3H2 |
and what comes out is: |
CoA-SH + 3 NADH + 3 H+ + FADH2 + 2 CO2 + ADP-OPO3H2 (ATP) |
× 2 for whole glucose = |
2 CoA-S-CH3CO + 6 NAD+ + 2 FAD + 4 H2O + 2 ADP-OH + 2 HO-PO3H2 → 2 CoA-SH + 6 NADH + 6 H+ + 2 FADH2 + 4 CO2 + 2 ADP-OPO3H2 |
When those amounts are added to the amounts from glycolysis and the “intermediate” step (above), the net total, so far, is: |
C6H12O6 + 10 NAD+ + 2 FAD + 4 AMP-PO3H2 + 4 HO-PO4H2 + 4 H2O → 6 CO2 + 10 NADH + 10 H+ + 2 FADH2 + 4 AMP-PO3H-PO3H2 + 2 H2O
Eliminating “extra” waters that occur on both sides of the equation, this becomes: |
C6H12O6 + 10 NAD+ + 2 FAD + 4 AMP-PO3H2 + 4 HO-PO4H2 + 2 H2O → 6 CO2 + 10 NADH + 10 H+ + 2 FADH2 + 4 AMP-PO3H-PO3H2 (minus 2 AMP-PO3H-PO3H2 used to transport NADH into the mitochondria of eukaryotes) |
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